Waisay... None of the leading Politicians from the City of Saints aur uss kay muzafaat say, seem left out of the race! Keeping it real, making us PROUD :D -pun intended-
Saturday, December 1, 2012
Lustful aur Lota
Waisay... None of the leading Politicians from the City of Saints aur uss kay muzafaat say, seem left out of the race! Keeping it real, making us PROUD :D -pun intended-
Friday, October 5, 2012
Fruit aur Falsafa
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Marriage aur Media
Friday, April 20, 2012
Project aur perkachay

Thursday, March 29, 2012
Goals aur Gamay
Fergie: how many of you have had experienced being in love. (everyone stared) seriously@ didnt anyone of you got it from the bitch (there was a look of approval on every face)
see there is this girl that you so want to have in your life and you so are fond of her that you spoiled brats even respect her for the matter that you go on to commit.
now you are the one of the most handsome prolific stud brigade in manchester, arent you lads!!! the girls keep coming on to you with that game you have, right lads! (smirks all over)
but many of you have got girlfriends even married(looking at wayne rooney) but for some reason its not enough!
but you have got to keep the woman of the house protected at the same time.
heres the story lads... those two goal posts you see at each end of the ground are like women.
you have to take care of them. one that is at home.... the bros on defense help eachother to keep out the jerks off the lady.
while with your wing men you go out there on the other end towards the striking beauty to score some goals. (giggs giggles) cuz that helps you build confidence over your swagger.
now thats what you are going to do when you lads go out there. keep safe your goal from the street junkies and have fun scoring goals at the free end of the pitch (chantings)
well this pep talk was of no use as the opposition went off to scoring 6 times and were the very own city junkies of manchester!
p.s. point to be noted... never ever imagine your goal post as chicks or women because they come and go... so better be like a gamay pehialwan to safe goals in dabangg istaiyl!! and score! instead of acting like, some insecure bunch of lads!
Monday, February 13, 2012
Subway aur Sallay
while i was in a mild shock of what just went on. the guy parked his car and got out of it. the tazmanian devil in me got ready as well. suddenly i made of his identity. and the devil went down the drain. while the guy just threw a few rants and checked out that his car was unharmed, he went back in the car and drove off.
i for the next 20 minutes went on the subconscious highway. i remembered that guy from my form 3 days when he was known to be a thug in our circuit. fights in the name of chicks who wont even have a clue on who did it for whom. someone whose intellect was not possibly of highest level. yea, 7 or so years after, he was still in that same old game. a thought that haunts. inspiration none the less, if i dont put my shit right i be ending up as him. WOW!! and ofcourse as the moment and the attitude suggest he was still going for his date(still!!!) or for hanging out with some uni friends (awww!! thats so cute :P)
recently that sharif guy came over and distributed some 6000 laptops. but where there is smoke there must have been fire. never believed that he do any good. and yet again he proved me right. the laptops were set up on a ridiculous operating system which needed some techs work to be of any proper use to start with. what were you even thinking... and its a shame how the lot is still desperate to get their hands on it.
but i suppose those laptops would still be better than pizza hut's meat lover!! DAYUMM! that thing just made me hate beef once and for all. but subway to the rescue people!! that steak and cheese sandwich IS LUV!! seriously restored my confidence that beef tastes as good with cheese and for real!! :P
Anyway its gonna be valentines day tomorrow!! remember we are all animals at heart and chauvinism comes naturally. and dont forget the jealous deprived lot and ofcourse these sallay who would always be the same...
Friday, February 3, 2012
Switches aur sharif
Friday, January 13, 2012
NEW YEAR!! aur narray
With the decreasing social circle, and the all time low number of people worth talking to… it is final that a youth has got lost. May be i need to get a job??? wait first i need to finish my degree…. then i need to get a girl friend…. wait!! its too late now… got to settle for a pre nup… something along the lines don’t make me shot myself by the end of the year!!
i definitely was a very intelligent guy before i got into alevels and out of doubt … big fish!! before i got in to university… and for sure sane at the moment before i step into REAL LIFE!! i m totally feeling like retreating back to indulge and start on the infamous glassy hookah :P and reflect on the cheapness of the place and the moment.
since my last trip to lahore it seems as though multan is blessed with one thing least… and that for eternity… BOREDOM. when theres nothing to do you can always turn on the tele and entertain thyself with the craziest and mind boggling info-freakin-out-tainment… for instance some brigadier of triple 1 brigade got promoted and the entire media circle was hell bent on getting a marshal law. and made me wish that humsafar aka ‘hum-suffer’ was being telecast on every channel for once… in these damned times… for there is one thing that can take charge of thepower of telegasm… and that is wives and daughters watching fawad khan in a screwed up plot.
a friend of mine came from jungle back to this saintly town.. reminded me of old school days memories.. one of which was this line…"Pass the ball bro.""PASS THE DAMN BALL YOU FU*KER." "GOGOGOGOGOGOOOOOOAAALL!!" good ol’ football days. now we are just commentators trying to shit each other over champions league and el classico.
at times i do wonder where the self prophesized arrogance and attitude drain down at… how did this youth which was not even concerned with who their prime minister was… came to the point to rage out a revolution in the view of their newly untested political maturity(sarcasm intented)…. airay bhaiya.. yeh kal kay londay jo larkion par linenay martay thay aaj hum say iqtedaar chienay kay narray lagaye gaye… kya baat kartay hai app , kya baat kartay hai (shahbaz sharif istyle :P)
But there or here… new year ’12 … one resolution… plz!! less WTF situations :(
Direction aur Lassi!
The road you take, may define, your fate, but you may have to chose one, first. Before I start, I must state that I am not superior or infer...

No more deceptions, no more retreats, no more betrayals, no more disappointments, no more bullying, no more rejections, no more ostracizing,...
Mana humari maadari zabaan urdu hai, par exam kay paper say lay kar visa apply karnay tak, har jaga angrazi hi istamal hoti hai... tou bahi ...