Sunday, December 10, 2023

Direction aur Lassi!

The road you take, may define, your fate, but you may have to chose one, first.

Before I start, I must state that I am not superior or inferior, to any fellow citizen of this country. 

Venturing into the rural Pakistan, is a great opportunity for the investors of knowledge. 

As children, we did not grasp that our parents were the biggest investors in our education, but the education, was our own to own!

We are a nation that is leaderless, and filled with people pleasers. People want money, that’s the only shared goal, some more, some less, each to their own imagination. There are lies everywhere, a sad state of affairs. Why any of these goals important and the middle class has burden itself with them, it needs a commission to investigate. 


The fallacy of merit, is useless. The trajectory of success is simply relative to what you define, and held on perseverance and consistency. We have stopped reading and started watching reels. 

This country need inclusivity for the powerful and the powerless. A note-reading Vice Chancellor and a different dialect Pashtun, both need space, from the mass expectations. When we talk of intellectuality among the urban classes, we forget the intellectual default of our ‘lesser mortals’ in rural Pakistan.

Yet, if you can sell your coke to them over lassi, you can spend on marketing intellect to them, too. We need this domestic conversation. 

I am privileged with British education but I cannot talk nonsense of a single education system, in hands of the current status quo. We cannot put a curtain on the cancer of brain drain in Pakistan. It is an outcome of a problem, not a blessing-in-disguise-solution, as it is deemed and redeemed in power circles. The indifferent government running regulations is only acting out as welfare state for the rich at this point.

The insecurities of the middle class has borne the culture of negative vibes and jealousy. The individuals are not empowered but act as mere reflections of others’ opinions. The newer generations are burdened by unreal expectations, with no space. There is a rise in tendency to have political opinion which is usually a popular opinion with different wordings but let’s be fair, this piece too is part in parcel to this.

Truth is that people at the top don’t want our opinion, they want to remain unchallenged. For God’s sake the important agreements of our country in reference to development are not public. It’s not a secret that the recent policies in the country are made by foreign donors/loan lenders and consultants. The nation is a tool to sustainable lifestyles of, for, the couple of million people. 

When Alice asked the Cheshire cat, ‘which road should I take?’, and Alice didn’t know where she is going, the cat replied, ‘Then it does not matter which road you take!’

Democracy with elections, is important. But what we need in this journey of Pakistan, is to find a direction. 

To start with, we have to take to the alternative, the grass roots. From Karachi to Khyber, the major data sets and information, along with the truth & reconciliation of a 75+ years state’s past, should be shared with these ‘lesser mortals’, generate an organic opinion and discourse in these town hall and fields. Irrespective of their capacity to listen or add in the prospective national domestic debate. No matter what the outcome is, priority is to share the responsibilities and change roles. Most of all, record each opinion and discourse, and make it public, in true sense. 

Parliament has not channelized its resources. Take the academics, judges, lawyers, healthcare professionals, business persons, bureaucrats, civil society and intellectuals, to them, to channelize their thought process till outcome and let it be known. 

No tehsil should be left out on a whim. Social media, is not the tool for this. It’s rather like waiting for the grass to grow, No opinion or discourse should supersede another. 

Then let the elections follow. Repeat if needed. It’s a prescription.

This would be a start of the new beginning, to find our direction, as a nation.

Sunday, August 6, 2023

Bookstore aur Khair!

When in doubt... books
When in doubt... books

That summer of 2011, sitting in a coffee shop... yeah, yeah, yeah, you all know how this God-Forsaken blog started. No one reads me except my royal loyal lot of religiously righteous readers. Thank you for putting up with my, saintly nonsense, within and beyond the realm of this blog. 

So where was I?! yes, I am afraid, I am soon going to meet the 'now' rich men and the 'then' weirdos, of the orange glaze night coffee and the everlasting judgmental fest. Alas! many have moved to foreign lands, in search of bronze, benefits and babbling brooks of the western rural lands.

I, the commoner of the city of saints, the self proclaimed sufi, and a profound nob! Feels the dreams of such were in actuality, be mean, birthin the dopamine of dreams to gain and fill colour to play. What say. The demon, whose middle school prognosticated to find the one in west. Naysay, the idiota dwelled and muddled in this very land that he roam then and still does, even now. The devil, he is still where he started.

The generation of mine has already transitioned to the later stages of life, while I stupidly make every effort running down my veins, to choose life! My advice to anyone of my age and still stuck in this place, not rich or happy, not booked or married.... open up a bookstore! Its a solid idea, to live... complicity. You may think of it this way, in words of stating an analogy... you can be the druglord who can does He/His/Him drugs, -no pun intended-. 

You get to read, escape, venture, adventure, discover, fall in love, rise intellectually, blah blah blah, reading your own store's books. I think you can choose to end piracy, for self-affirmative intentions of righteous deeds. It can be a philanthropy in the world moving to brain atrophy. 

You don't even have to sell books, lend them... eh! You might not be too ecstatic about it but the people might. Tip is, don't get attached to your books, ferment sheer pretentious goodwill, till you run out out of them, goodwill or the books, which ever is the first. 

Anyways, I am out, the sun is sinking off the blue sky. Good bye reader. 

P.s. Khair naal aah, tey khair naal jaah. 

Saturday, April 1, 2023

Instinctual aur Ishq!

To be or not to be, together in love or marriage?!

The evolution of love is a revolutionary concept that challenges society's norms. Love teaches us to care for others, extend the range of our thought process, and respect others. While the institution of marriage was never about love, it is essential to humanize the concept of love and marriage to ensure societal progress. Suppressing love breaks the personality of women and challenges the divine nature of who we are as human beings. In short, love is not only a fundamental aspect of human nature but also a revolutionary concept that challenges society to be more humane.

Human evolution is dependent on sexual reproduction, making, love an instinctual feature of all living beings. However, while we may perceive love as instinctual, it is not. Love is a higher cognitive function that teaches us to care for others irrespective of what they do for us in return. It is a control and development of our instincts that extends the range of our thought process beyond quid pro quo. When we love someone, we learn to respect, take care of, and place their needs before our own. Love has taught men to respect women, but the institution of marriage was never about love. Instead, it was about property, wealth, and status.

Throughout history, romantic literature has played a role in humanizing the concept of love and marriage. For example, William Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" portrays two individuals who should be together because of their love, not for the sake of their property, wealth, or status. This work of literature instructs readers on how life should be lived.

Love is also a revolutionary concept that challenges society. In regions of the world where the caste system is ubiquitous, controlling love is paramount to the system's stability. Suppressing love is elemental for such a society because marrying according to one's will threatens the fabric of the caste system. In these societies, arranged marriages are often preferred over love marriages because they maintain the stability, prestige, and esteemed pedigree of the family and clan. However, love tales such as Soni Mahiwal, Sussi Punno, Heer Ranjha, Mirza Sahiba, and Shereen Farhad all convey the message that keeping two lovers apart is a crime. A society that is constructed on breaking and crushing the nature and desires of human beings is, in the words of Germaine Greer, a society born to make eunuchs. Such a society molds women against their will, forcing them to marry for the benefit of their clan and suppressing their own desires. This approach breaks the personality of women and hinders societal progress.

اول حمد خدا دا ورد کیجے، عشق کیتا سو جگ دا مول میاں 

پہلوں آپ ہی رب نے عشق کیتا ، معشوق ہے نبی رسول میاں 

عشق پیر فقیر دا مرتبہ اے، مرد عشق دا بھلا رنجول میاں 

کھلے تنہاندے باغ قلوب اندر، جنہاں کیتا اے عشق قبول میاں 

- Waris Shah 

The wealth of the world was made in love, and God made the world in the worth of love. Therefore, those who stand against love stand against a sacred emotion that defines our divine nature. Violating this emotion is to violate the notion of who we are as human beings.

P.s. This blog post was inspired by a social discussion with a friend and a speech by Mr. Taimur Rehman on title, 'Revolutionary Love'

Sunday, March 19, 2023

Unequal World aur Watan!


The book cover, worth a thousand words. 

Over the time, one comes to comprehend a certain amount of reality. Whether or not, as a man, I have been able to do so from childhood to this day. At times, there were many preconceived notions that I failed to displace, ending up in a very odd position because they were untrue and based on fabricated and allegorical times. But as time passed and those who were there to protect went away, the world seemed to have never changed, but the realities started strike in hard, undeterred and in an unstoppable fashion.

As I was growing up, I came to realize that I was part of the academic elite community, which I was, to some extent. However, this phenomenon is something that can only be associated with financial or social implications in a country like mine. At that time, I did not realize what kind of people I was getting along with, from private schooling. When I reflect, I see that most of my school fellows, with the right or wrong reasons, are in the best places within the country.

For much of my life, I had taken the concept of the ruling elite casually, and I knew it was wrong. I may have been fortunate, seeing some of those clouts, but that was in the younger part of life and with some amount of naivety. In a way, it’s a, closed system where marriages are a political strategy and a reflection of long-term planning, and if anyone enters that system, they are squeezed on the predisposition of adding to that system, and there is a very minute niche that qualifies. But the worst part is that the upper-middle class and the middle class itself seem to be replicating the dwellings of the elites of society, among themselves.

Friendship and marriages, in these classes, are being used for business interests, or climbing the corporate ladder (where it applies), as well as social and political connections, often being complemented with wealth. Climbing the social ladder for the middle class is one of the biggest challenges. Nonetheless, even if they replicate the tendencies of the elite, it does not mean to the fullest, due to obvious reasons.

The reasons behind it are that we live in an underdeveloped world where there is a lot of political instability as well as financial instability. Living in a country that has been on the verge of financial default, being in and out of various wars, and frequently volatile political situations, it's natural for everyone to look for protection with connections. So, each to his own.

I have been reading Rosetta Armytage's Big Capital in an Unequal World. The book delves into the inner workings of Pakistani elite society, presenting a fresh and compelling perspective that differs from the traditional narrative presented by our so-called male journalists in Pakistan. Rather than focusing on the pre-partition elite of the Muslim-subcontinent India, proclaimed traitors of the war of independence of 1857, but book also targets the newly rich class elites.

This particular division among the elites is also reflected in the current political realities where the new elite is competing with the old elite in the political arena. The old law is benefiting their world along with the bureaucratic and military connections. But as a middle-class and middle-aged man, I look at it with a certain amount of pessimism, realizing that it took so long to wonderstruck and understand what I know now.

In Pakistan, we can already see the elite capturing the country's resources, and I am surprised that during our childhood and schooling, we were never taught about the complex and important realities of this country, which we are supposed to be the future of. It is indeed difficult to wrap my head around the swelling predicament. The real question is, if I have to stay as a middle-class and disadvantaged citizen, then why stay in Pakistan? Why not move to some other Western country with no expectations? It's not just the elite class that is hampering the prospects of progress in Pakistan, but the middle class itself is also hell-bent on destroying it, if there were even any.

Talking of social mobility, I remember listening to a religious scholar’s sermon, where he was promoting aggrandization, saying that girls should marry in families which have higher social and economic status than their own, and it’s a sin to marry in lower social and economic status, if not equal. Furthermore, he advised the poor men, to have patience, as already being taken in other matters of life, as next life shall reward one’s patience, and console oneself in the fact that rich man who married the girl belonging from lower social and economic status and poor-self, will one day land in grave, and be soiled all the same. I am speechless.

It's tough to be like a skilled labor in this country; I have to work hard on a daily basis and work on my professional development. Now, the important element is to be recognized for one's efforts and get paid for it as well. In Pakistan, when one does that, it's with a lot more expectations. I guess that must change. Maybe I am not a valued individual either in the eyes of the state or the public. If that must be the case, then why not just move somewhere else with no expectations? Well, one can be alone and own his own, with peace of mind, once all the class demons are set aside, on-a-daily-basis.

There's so much that I still don't understand. Yet, while I am looking into the abyss, I am equally frightened as well as numb. It feels as if the realities of this society and this country that I live in, do not reflect much in my way of life or have ever had influence over me. My only salvation and self-fulfillment are in having faith and doing what's right, fulfilling the roles and responsibilities that I have inhabited with the experience of my life, which is in no way in comparison to any individual whatsoever around me. It is not only the end of any spoken competition, but also the death of envy and jealousy.

Working in healthcare made me realize that life and its utility. And, at times, it is often very relative, how to get changed in this world or the next. When you are young, you're crying and beautiful or handsome, but for some craziness, everything gets steeped in the living, in a matter of days. Relations and friendships all disappear. We are mortal beings. Life is painful, it's not forever, but hold strong. Nothing remains the same. Everything changes. Everyone lies. Be humane.

Looking back and reflecting on the swelling predicament of Pakistani society and one wonders why, during his childhood and schooling, we were never taught about the country’s complex and multifaceted reality of the situation. While the ruling elite and the newly rich compete for political power and control of resources, the middle class struggles to climb the social ladder and replicate the tendencies of the elite. Moreover, the problem is exacerbated by the country's political and financial instability, leading individuals to seek protection through connections and marriages for business interests and social and political connections. In the end, I want to highlight the need for education and awareness of these issues to create a more equitable and just society. Best wishes, y’all.


تم سے پہلے وہ جو اک شخص یہاں تخت نشیں تھا 
اس کو بھی اپنے خدا ہونے پہ اتنا ہی یقیں تھا 

کوئی ٹھہرا ہو جو لوگوں کے مقابل تو بتاؤ 
وہ کہاں ہیں کہ جنہیں ناز بہت اپنے تئیں تھا 

آج سوئے ہیں تہ خاک نہ جانے یہاں کتنے 
کوئی شعلہ کوئی شبنم کوئی مہتاب جبیں تھا 

اب وہ پھرتے ہیں اسی شہر میں تنہا لیے دل کو 
اک زمانے میں مزاج ان کا سر عرش بریں تھا 

چھوڑنا گھر کا ہمیں یاد ہے جالبؔ نہیں بھولے 
تھا وطن ذہن میں اپنے کوئی زنداں تو نہیں تھا
- Habib Jalib

Monday, February 20, 2023

Love aur Dil Lagay!

بات تو صرف اتنی سے ہے
 کوئی اس روتے دل کو, لگا لے گلے،
 درد کے بہانے یہ اشک بہائے جاتے ہیں لیکن کوئی آ کر،
 دھڑکتے دل کو سمجھے جائ

It has been more than 12 years since I began this blog. A lot has happened in these years, but one thing that has remained constant is my love for satire. The tagline of this ol' blog still rings true to me today: "When life gives you lemons, it's time to make lemonade." During my time away from blogging, I've spent a lot of time thinking about the youth in land of the pure, where I hail from. It seems like there may be no child in Pakistan who has lived a normal childhood, at least not in recent times. Our society is plagued with insecurity and stress, and it's hard to imagine a childhood without those things. As we grow older, the insecurities and stresses of our youth stay with us. As we grow old, we face rejections, breakups, and heartbreaks. We may find ourselves at the low point of our professional lives, struggling to keep our heads above water. And in those moments, it can be hard to summon the courage to save a relationship that means everything to us.

I have been there. I have hurt people I loved because I was too caught up in my own insecurities and stresses to see what was in front of me. And by the time I realized what I had done, it was often too late. But here's the thing: even in the darkest moments of our lives, there is still hope. There is still the possibility of finding happiness, of making something good out of the lemons that life has handed us. In my own life, I've learned that it's important to take stock of the good things that have happened, even when it feels like everything is falling apart. I think back to the good times with the people I've loved, and those memories give me the strength to keep going.

So if you're going through a tough time right now, I want you to remember that there is still hope. There are good things in your life, even if it feels like they're hard to see right now. And most importantly, there are people who love you, whether they are in your life no more, and who want to see you succeed and be happy. It's easy to get bogged down in negativity and despair, but it's important to remember that we can choose how we respond to the challenges that come our way. We can choose to be hopeful, to be positive, to find joy in the small things.

In the end, life is what we make of it. We can choose to focus on the bad, or we can choose to focus on the good. And even when life hands us lemons, we can still make something sweet out of them. So here's to the good times, to the memories that stay with us even when everything else has faded away. Here's to the people who have loved us, and the people who still do. And here's to the future, whatever it may hold.

It's been a pleasure writing for you again, and I hope when you reading this, that this post has brought a smile to your face. Remember: when life gives you lemons, it's time to make lemonade.

Yours truly, 

The Lad from the City of Saints


تھا عجب ہی دستور زمانہِ جداد کا
 نہیں تھی کدر یار کی جب وہ ساتھ تھا
فقط ہمیں محبّت ہوئی اس ہارجائے سے
 جو ہوا اس سے جدا، خود سے جدا

جہاں بھی یار، جانِ جہاں
ملے جس بادشاہ کو، ملے سب اسے وہاں
 ہے دعا بھی، اور تکذﺁ محبت، محبّت بھی یہی
 رہے خوش وہ سادہ، جو کبھی دِلِ سکوں تھا میرا

-عدیل صدیقی

Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Human aur Hamesha!

It's very interesting to be a millennial, in today's day and age. I have come a long way down the road, from the time when I used to live in the city of Saints. Private school education, public university graduation and then professional life. The impact of individualism has been massive, in both beneficial and deleterious, ways. These social and political changes in the land of the pure had a great influence on the life of this, currently lone middle-aged man. 
It has been more than a decade since I started this blog. What began as satire, with the combination of real-life experiences, soon became dull and outdated. In many ways things have become bad to worse but at the same time, what I consider the beauty of life, there were things that got better. Nevertheless, in the last couple of years the men and women, likes of me, have left the land of the pure, and found better prospects, in different parts of the world. 
For I at times look within and what is outside, and then look within, and what was outside. for it seems there is nothing much to adhere to, but to feel the spirits of the Saints. To imbibe the culmination of this worldly poison and at the same time cure it with patience. I have become bound to this land, where the connection to the city of Saints, forever, connecting me to spiritual upheaval. 
Finding myself in a career which depends on drug expertise, I see a metaphorical culmination and a hypothetical illumination, of this certain predicament of my life and probably the life of every other single middle-aged millennial. The feeling of being on a ventilator with this slowing heart rate knowing that life is slipping out of your hand with the number of other end organ failures, some imminent, some in full bloom. And then, you have to decide, when there is not enough blood to flow through your veins and your heart starts to race on and go into a drive, to phantom enough pressure to throw that blood to all corners of your body tissues. Voila! It starts to fail, and you wonder whether to slow it down a notch or just try to dilate those distant veins. For the choice that you make, it is dependent and adherent to the choices based on your values and principles and laws. 
Indulgence my friend is a privilege, and there aren't many who handle it, to the best of their ability. Similarly, with so much pressure to face for the last couple of decades, not knowing when it is going to end, you just wonder whether you need to slow down your mind that keeps racing every day, every hour, every minute, every second, of your life. That you want to dim down the noise around you so that you can focus on something, something that is more important in terms of your values, your priorities and most of all your survival, for this world and the next, hinges on. But when that happens you have no guarantee that things will get better in view of what you make as a choice. 
Every step has a consequence, no matter what you do, you must bear that in mind. The only ease, that seems like redemption is, either on a ventilator or de facto, there are at times the interventions of Higher Force that lead to the shore. And the shore can be anything, my friend. 
To err is humarn. 

p.s. Hamesha Dair Kar Deta Hoon Main, 
Har Kaam Karnay May, Zaroori Baat Kehne Ho, Koi Wada Nibhana Ho, 
Usay Aawaz Deni Ho, 
Usay Wapis Bulana Ho, 
 Hamesha Dair Kar Deta Hoon Main, 
Madad Karni Ho, Us Kee Yaar Ke Dhaarus Bundhana Ho, Bohat Dayreena Rustoo Par, 
Kisee Se Milne Jaanaa Ho, 
Hamesha Dair Kar Deta Hoon Main, 
Budaltay Mausmo Ke Sair May, 
Dil Ko Lagana Ho, Kisee Ko Yaad Rakhna Ho, 
Kisee Ko Bhool Jana Ho, Hamesha Dair Kar Deta Hoon Main, 
Kisee Ko Maut Se Pehlay, 
Kisee Ghum Se Buchana Ho, 
Haqeeqat Aur Thi, 
Kuch Us Ko Jaa Kay Yah Batana Ho, 
Hamesha Dair Kar Deta Hoon Main, 
Har Kaam Karnay May 
- Munir Niazi

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Light aur Lijiye!

One of the good happening in Pakistan in last decade, is return of cricket. Though, it does not reconcile the years of youth damned by horrendous plague of extremism and terrorism. May the light be shed, everywhere...

The gentle breeze from the rechargeable cooler, increase the entropy of sweat soaked shalwar kameez, while, the fresh and floating ice in its water tank, begins to melt and starts to sink.

Light nahi hai.

I am sitting on the dinner table, placed at the western corner of my dining room, which has the additional charge of launch room, due to its size and grandeur. 

Two days back, in retrospective, I heard a federal minister claiming that load shedding has been ‘finished’ since May 1. What a biased ‘bayan’. May the odds be in favour of the country that has always stayed in the constant scenario of ‘nazuk surat-e-haal’.

About 10-11 years from now, when I started my blog. Much of the outcry and sulking was about the frictions of youth. After a decade, I have realized the loss which resulted from them. Similarly, Generation Y aka Millennials, seem to be cursed to the Wall, and still feels like frozen assets. 

The land of the pure has always been in political turmoil, both in historical and current perspective. Zeal about the sense of control to change the fate of its existence among the commoners is, nothing but a façade, may soon become a folly.

The legit distraction for the young and the old are, games and movies. The coat of arms of entertainment. The poor and helpless’s poppy. The escape from the gridding of our toxically gruelling work spaces. 

Pi lijiye, but you can’t afford, morally and materialistically, so, keep watching the show under the smog.

Einstein said that time is relative.

Here, there change is relative.

Political turmoil is relative.

Economy is relative.

Future planning is relative.

Just, the relatives are not relative!

“and how can man die better than facing fearful odds, for the ashes of his fathers, and the temples of his Gods?’ – lays of Ancient Rome

Well as men, we love our mothers and as for the temples and its sanctity, ahem. #slogans #importedProductsAreAwesomeToo. So, no. The better ways to die are also relative.

While, I am ending this blog… Light nahi ayi.

p.s. Just thinking, we need a leader whose name is Daulat, so when we chant “Daulat tere jan-nisar, beshumar, beshumar!” we truly, deeply, realistically, mean it!

Friday, October 2, 2020

Life's Clearer path aur Nagar-e-Yar!

Street art: someone with their thoughts in a whirl

Someone somewhere will have greater problems than yours, someone somewhere will be more than grateful to be where you are. There will those who believe they have better understanding of this world than others and there will be those who will feel they failed to understand it in first place. All hearts shall, one day be broken, all souls must taste the sorrow from death of those who they love the most. You must have your share and consider it the worst, while sip on mine and bear the pain. Piece by piece things you value, will be taken away, the life left, will have less in it. The heart shall be conned by you and you only have the right to, con it. But not for long. A day shall come when you desire to open the truth from the deep sea coffer. Alas! its boring. The life you constructed with your perceptions, was nothing but a fallacy.

If I am not educated from an elite varsity, I am not an intellectual? If I am not rich, I am not successful? If I am not loved, I don't deserve to live? If I am not on social media, I don't exist?

I am a fool, a failure, facile being, fictional. But yet, to be conquered, championed, and consumed to the bone, at the pleasure of those who are not me. It is an irony. Sometime I look at my life, and I see that I have done, the best I could. As I saw but dreams, borne out of my own perceptions, get broken time after time, I realized that things we wish for, are often what we don't need in life, henceforth, we don't get what we want. So with these life experiences the path becomes a little more clearer. The science of signs. The dark truth, that I would hand it to you: the signs are beautiful when your loved ones at still in your life. Least, you can share a cup of tea upon the dusk, and drain the sorrow down your throat, while, they hold your hand.

For what it seems, the society has turned life into sex comedy, where there is no sex but only comedy. There are principles with responsibilities and then there is comedy, you do the math. You are doped into considering the need to have a panther rather than a partner, and then you become slaves to their vicious whims. That is a hard price to pay.

I am here recommending the amendment to perception bill as per mindset's health policy that you for so long have delivered as a cherry to the privilege of getting in mood, being motivated, finding your mojo, etc. Our elders are as scared and freaked out as we are, because in reality no one wants to be on the losing side, least have to fight their way to grave. The dilemma is: history tells us that conquered don't find a sacred ground, 6 feet down. No one can know everything, worse, only the intentions and even they are buried in the given soul. Our life's decision don't always pan out in the same manner each time. At times its a bluff and gamble, at times its a lesson in the offing.

There is one fact to life; it has its own terms, if you try, you get compromise on some. In the end, life is the distance towards death. So what ever lies in between, cherish it, may be. Life on the flip side is acceptance and adaptation. Failures are not the ultimate outcome of life, they can be converted into lessons and in the end, your biggest asset is, the ability to learn. The way forward, as in words of Sir Winston Churchill,'keep buggering on'.

The word. For now. 

P.s. گلوں میں رنگ بھرے باد نوبہار چلے
چلے بھی آؤ کہ گلشن کا کاروبار چلے

قفس اداس ہے یارو صبا سے کچھ تو کہو
کہیں تو بہر خدا آج ذکر یار چلے

- Faiz Ahmed Faiz

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Monday, August 31, 2020

Minimalism aur Maslow!

What is it like to be from a land of the pure? rhetoric and tea, comes like a perfect duo. If you are a liberal, the country must give you freedom to drink your black label, and if you are a conservative, the country must give you freedom to drink your yellow label. While, who gets to do what, only depends on how much money your account holds. The ruling elite has that! and they are free to be liberal or conservative.

Now Maslow's hierarchy of needs comprising of basic needs, psychological needs and self fulfillment needs, has gone haywire in my society. For us, psychological needs comes first, where everyone is obsessed with intimate relationships. If you are a middle class, your parents approval means everything. But thats grossly incorrect. Why? because we are mostly idealizing the perfect marriage with finding our soulmate. Some cunningly use it an opportunity to climb the socioeconomic ladder. And yet the unhealthy need for sex, on the many levels has led to harassment at the hands of men and women, who have power to-do-what-they-want. Its ubiquitous in educational institutes, in corporate culture and within families. 

Food is a need and for some a luxury, water is going to become a luxury, the right to shelter and rest, is relative, security and safety, well, its deterrence...... the gold statement is that... its all about money. Money is prestige, money is accomplishment. If you don't believe that, you are not normal in view of modern Descartes. 

If you feel like playing cricket the Wajahat Ullah Wasti way, then you can survive, yes you can. Forget about money, basic needs, or getting married. Be a minimalist. Many of us spend money we have earned or not, upon consuming ideas and commodities, we don't want, to impress people we don't know or worse hate. So, the peace probably lies in our love for ourselves, and the pact to be comfortable to live on our own, for ourselves. 

The world after COVID 19 is going to be changed, the markets have gone under recession, so as a reaction we have to change the perception of self actualization. It starts with me, and ends with me. The tendency to consider pleasure or its presence as happiness, has to end. Consume less. Donate more. With that said, this piece comes to an end. 

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Saturday, August 1, 2020

Pakistan's Millennial aur Ghar kharidne ki khwahish!

If you are a millennial in Pakistan, you might feel more of an existing history-log of world’s transformation. From the Sega Mega or Nitendo, in 90s, to getting excited about the upcoming Play Station 5, you have had the experienced the ecstasy of virtual gameplay. In political spectrum you have seen the worst political turmoil prior to a seemingly less harmful enlightened dictatorship followed by the wishful era of recycled democracy since last one decade. From the one shop in city centre for buying Eid clothes to Mega malls with air conditioning, it feels like, you have really gained the increased level of quality of life.
My dear fellow inhabitants, from land of the pure, aging 26 to 40 years of age. Most of you must have been married by now or simply, taking the route of living your life with your own terms. Yet, when it will come to having a roof over your head, it would most probably be that you are living with your parents (which is the traditional way of living in subcontinent) or having your ‘own’ place with help of your parent’s fortune or blessing. Don’t take me wrong, but, our parents have done most of the work for us. Some planned investments and some luck, could have landed them a good piece of land.
Unfortunately, for us the chances are slimming down, to have one’s own house in a formidable locality in coming of age, by ourselves. Much is to be blamed on the governments for not subsidizing enough on low cost housing projects and curbing on development of luxury based housing societies. Though, not all blame goes to them, as globally the trend is, in creating high profits out of real estate sector with an angle of providing better ‘living conditions’, whereas, low cost apartments and housing are left to become ghettos due to negligence defended in name of less profitability. As a result of such a change, it’s speculated that millennial might not be able to afford buying houses in future. It is indeed alarming and worrisome for us, even more after two recession within a decade. With money losing its worth and inflation going haywire, the income seems to go on a snail’s pace and opportunities seems to getting scarcer. Hence, many millennials, risk everything, prefer to go abroad, work hard and gain prosperity.
When you go on the road, you see numerous advertisements of this city, that city, this town, that town, this housing society, that housing society. It’s like they are everywhere, and like, the moths to the flame, when you zoom around for details, get estranged. Either the ready-to-build-on plots or ready-to-live-in apartments are too costly to buy or the instalment plans of new or ongoing projects by even big brands are too good to rely upon (in such situation you might expect a 10-20 years or more of a delay in getting your property handed over to you or worse…. Never!). In the end you develop acceptance of your current state of living and have your aspirations burn down to dust.
Can we change this predicament? In short, NO!
In over economic system, much of the money in ‘economy’ comes from real estate and the richest people in land of the pure, are real estate Mongols or have conglomerates which have part of their empire invested in real estate sector. Inspite of what you want, their profits comes from selling lands bought with pennies, sold in gold to costumers, with a touch of polishing and patronization. While, we the working class, instead of being proud of our sweat, tears and blood… regrettably, are all divided on desire of achieving that social status which comes from a having a piece of these high end places. No law, no court, no religion, stops ‘them’ from squeezing out our life’s saving and pouring them into their cauldrons of profits.
In past, I did write about, suggesting construction of housing schemes for 3-5 marla plots – or houses plus limitation on the cost to 15-30 lacs (including construction). These housings must be met to be inhabited by working class which would help reduce the strain of their ever-so-dropping buying power. Whereas, subsidy and laxation should be given in zoning of 3 storey flats apartments, with range falling in 5 – 15 lacs. But when the governments announce such projects or approve such projects, which they seldom do, the ‘will’ behind carrying them out is weaker than hopes of cure for superstitions. I wish they could have built them quickly and efficiently, like motorways in our country, magar dost, hazaron khwahishen aisi ki har khwahish pe daam nikle. Least, I hope if the government subsidizes the graveyards and improve their maintenance, kiun kay jab ab, daam nikal hi jaye to kahi qabar kay paisay bhi na kaam niklay.

Saturday, July 11, 2020

Cancel Culture aur Rowling gee!

Canceling a career or fortune, with a single press on a typewriter, is it right?

In the 21st century we have seen a lot of change in behaviors of the masses, much of it is attributed to the access to information. Most of the time it is not something positive. You can say that the media and more specifically, social media is responsible for it. Nonetheless, people have developed lack of tolerance as a culture. Freedom of expression has become, a weapon for everyone. Does it put a silent majority at risk, at the hands of a vocal minority? Does an individual deserve to suffer for one’s past action or is it relative?
Cancel culture or callout culture or woke mob, has risen to limelight in the last 3 years, as in a phenomena that is recognized. What happens is, people on the social media take action against an individual who is deemed unacceptable due to one’s past or present deeds, and a ubiquitous reaction surfaces, including humiliating, casting-off and curbing the individual’s support, over the internet.
The outcry does come, from those who are affected. Ironically, the recent hype developed when unlike the conventional affectees, like the conservatives, were not the instigating party but liberals were. An open letter in Harper’s Magazine titled “A letter on Justice and Open Debate’ signed by 150 prominent writers, journalist and professors, was published. The highlight of them was the signee J K Rowling gee(as I call her, for being a fan of Harry Potter series), who was facing backlash for her views on Transsexuals, recently, on the twitter. On one side you can just discredit them all, as old school, about-to-be-outdated writers, liberals stuck in a pickle, about to be losing a book deal, a job or a publication. For better or worse, these people are strong personalities, who, at their peak of careers’ have created change and set trends which have shaped the world that we live in today.
There are certain categories which need to be taken very seriously, such as antisemitism, homophobia, islamophobia and racism. But if I take on someone, just because the fall of that person for a particular mistake, will give some advantage to me, well that’s controversial, nonetheless. Something similar seems to be happening right now as the recent callouts, which one can consider as just-simply-rattling-the-furnace, and pushing a shift or a change with ousting of the old bloke and creating space for new generation to take over, with its own set of values. 
There are examples of top executives who were convicted of sexual harassment, to have been finally brought down, through Metoo movement. Nonetheless, at times seeking justice beyond the judicial system seems correct to a crowd of protestors when they see someone walking free for lack of legislation or loop holes in the existing law. Thus, questioning, has the system failed? Does it not give them the right to take matter in their own hands? And when they target past idols or famous celebrities for their wrongdoing, the basic principle is ‘toxic smart people vs non-toxic smart people’, meaning, you can find equally good people to fill the positions for these wrongdoers.
We have seen the issue of Mark Walberg’s past racial violence coming to up after he tweeted support of justice for George Floyd. We have seen the famous streamer at Twitch, Mr. Disrespect, getting banned for abuse. Jenna Marbles went into social exile after events from her past, revolving around offensive comments and blackface, came up in the media.
The dark side of the cancel culture is when internet trolls start to send death threats to celebrities and personalities whose name comes up due to some scandal or inquiry. Cancel culture is borne out of digital activism in our human society, yet, at times it does seems to lack compassion and have more totalitarian spirit in it. In the age of social media, can an impulsive judgement, give a group of people, the right to call, death to someone’s career or fortune, with a tweet?
There is so much to say, as there are so many layers to this issue, and it’s impossible to enclose an ocean in a cup. To me, I do agree to this part of the letter published in Harper’s, “The way to defeat bad ideas is by exposure, argument, and persuasion, not by trying to silence or wish them away.” Maybe, we need a more calibrated reaction to each individual’s wrongdoing. But in the end, the justice system across the world needs to be at par, to handle these aspects as well, with due process of law that has to be there and with fairness of its process. I perceive that over the period of time, we will learn to coexist and as need of the hour, improve our wellbeing in modern society. Likewise, the wrongdoers will also find a way to reach a resolution with their past or present, which-so-ever, had them found of, going astray.

Direction aur Lassi!

The road you take, may define, your fate, but you may have to chose one, first. Before I start, I must state that I am not superior or infer...